Steven Snyder

Position/Title: CEO Coach / Powers of the Mind


Mind Matters 

Brilliance, Passion, and the Nature of Mastery

Course Objectives

Create a state of focused concentration and amplified passionate interest in seconds, to give 100% of your mind’s power to the task at hand.

Learn to manage stress (tension, anxiety and confusion) throughout the day for enhanced wellness, accelerated learning, and peak performance.

Utilize both conscious and subconscious minds together to more effectively solve problems, make decisions, and enhance creative thinking skills.

Reprogram the subconscious mind to release negative thoughts and feelings and to create positive habits so as to maximize successful results.

Course Description

Focused Concentration 

Most individuals spend most of their time in the Beta Brainwave state, a state of divided attention, where they are thinking of several things at the same time.  In Alpha, you experience a state of total concentration.  In this state you can focus both of your minds together, block out any distractions or interruptions, and give 100% your mind’s power to the task at hand.  Instead of hoping that what you are about to do will get your fullest attention, using the Alpha State, in just twenty seconds, you can intentionally get your fullest attention and then put it onto whatever it is that you are about to do.

Managing Stress (Tension, Anxiety, Confusion)

An excess of physical tension, emotional anxiety and mental confusion, can completely paralyze your learning.  Stress will not only rob you of your peak performance states, but eventually of your physical and emotional health as well.  Through the use of the Alpha Brainwave State as a “hole in the top of the tea kettle of life” you can effectively let go of all of your excess stress in just seconds.  In Alpha you will accelerate your learning, improve your performance, and perhaps add years of health and well being to your life.

Enhancing Creativity 

The key to enhancing intelligence, innovation, insight, intuition, and inspiration, is to utilize both the mind of logic and the mind of imagination together at the same time.  This happens most effectively in the Alpha Brainwave State.  Much of the brilliance of the creative mind is often not available to adults who spend most of their time in the divided attention of the Beta State.  Through the effective use of Alpha, you no longer have to wish for a good idea, you could instantly access your creative genius and get as many of them as you might want.

Reprogramming Habits

Often what stands in the way of producing successful results is negative mental programming.  This can come in the form of lack of motivation, low self-confidence, disorganization, procrastination, or any of a whole list of other bad habits as well.  Through the use of the Alpha Brainwave State, you can take you mind off of automatic pilot, reprogram the automatic pilot function, and put your mind back on automatic pilot with a new set of instructions, a new habit.  With the Alpha State, you can change your mind, and keep the change. 

The development of AlphaLearning is the result of over 50 years of research into concentration and attention skills, hypnosis, meditation accelerated learning, and the essential connection between mindfulness, peak performance, and the Focused Passion of the Alpha Brainwave State.  

Mind Matters is a three hour corporate presentation with a fifteen minute break at the mid-point. Each participant will receive as a handout, a copy of Steve's most recent book "Focused Passion". 




Focused Passion

Becoming Better, Faster, Smarter, and Happier With Far Less Stress and Much More Passion.

Audio Programs

Over 200 Free Personal Empoerment Programs available at PEN.Tools


Psychology at UCLA

Certified Master Hypnotherapst at Hypnosis Motivation Institute


Owner and CEO of Live and Learn, A 501C3 Educational Center 1978-1992

Vistage Speaker since 1992.

Over 1,900 Vistage Presentations

Speaker of the Year 2003

Lifetime Achievement Award 2011

Millennium Award 2014