Steve Yastrow

Position/Title: Results-oriented consultant, speaker and author on issues of business strategy, customer relationships, sales, marketing and branding


Steve is a non-stop idea generator, business advisor and best-selling sales author. With his provocative approach to marketing, sales, customer relationships and employee engagement, Steve has guided hundreds of executives and businesses to drive results by developing the dedicated commitment of their customers and employees. Audience members describe Steve’s interactive keynotes and workshops as highly engaging and walk away with concrete tools and steps they can act on immediately.


Steve is the author of three books:

  • Brand Harmony

  • We: The Ideal Customer Relationship 

  • Ditch the Pitch

Details here:


  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management
  • BA, Music & Philosophy, Indiana University



Steve’s in-depth, real-world experience advising hundreds of companies and organizations inform his practical, proven approach to driving business results. He has been a keynote speaker for over a decade, speaking for hundreds of organizations, including large conference keynotes as well as interactive workshops for individual organizations.

A former vice-president of resort marketing for Hyatt Hotels and senior vice-president of marketing for Sunterra resorts, Steve opted-out of his career as a senior marketing executive in the hospitality industry in 1997 to form his own consulting firm, Yastrow & Company.