Carolyn Strauss

Position/Title: Top Speaker on Sales, Persuasion and Execution


My job as a speaker, is to make you, my client look good. To present material (in a fun, entertaining and meaningful way) that will have the exact impact you intend for your audience. Your outcomes and expectations are mine. I will deliver information, strategies and practical business applications that cause your attendees to take action and use their time with me at your meeting to move their aims forward. I will work directly with you to create programs that are exactly what you desire.


I'm honored to share this recommendation that I just received on my execution program. Please give me a call to discuss how it can help your organization:

"Carolyn presenter her "Execution" presentation to my group of company "Emerging Leaders" and they were enthralled. In our afternoon session (after Carolyn had left) they were so energized they all created personal action plans for when their respective organizations based on Carolyn's 8 Requirements for Successful Execution. I knew this was meaningful when I met with one of the folks and their CEO later that week and she had already begun the implementation of the plan she created at the meeting. Her CEO was on-board and they were rallying the troops internally to ensure they had clear end dates for each project (1 of the 8 requirements). Carolyn's presentation on Execution has all of the hallmarks of a wonderful workshop: real-life examples, easy to remember, simple to implement (not always easy), laced with humor, and interactive. This was great for a group of leaders from various organizations but could definitely see tremendous value for also having Carolyn come into a company and present to a leadership team because it is a ready made system you can immediately adopt. The bottom line is that Carolyn's goal is to have a positive impact and that intent is what the participants felt and that made the difference!